Welcome To The Dews
The Mountain Dew Clogging organization is a family oriented group comprised of people of all ages from all of the counties surrounding Tallahassee.
Clogging gives you the opportunity to get out and enjoy a great social activity and get fit at the same time. Your legs will tone up very quickly. Clogging improves flexibility, coordination, endurance and strength. It increases lung capacity, relieves stress, and it's aerobic and burns fat. Clogging is usually danced in lines because there is a better social group feeling when you can see that your new friends are dancing the same routines as you. Some couple and partner routines are taught to keep in touch with the historic Appalachian clogging styles.
The instructors teach both the steps and the routines. During classes the instructors cue or call all routines every time they are danced during the learning phase. This means once you know the steps at a given level, you can quickly join in with routines you have never seen.
You will find you dance many and varied routines to pretty much all types of music, although country and top 100 current tunes are the most popular.
Taps are a double jingle tap ordered from one of our suppliers. The sound of all the taps beating to the music, gets everybody tapping to the rhythms. In clogging the heel tap is used to give a strong regular beat during most steps.
Like other worthwhile sporting activities, to progress quickly you may need to practice more than once a week at class. The good news is you can practice anywhere.